Apple Internet Connection Kit

There are three pieces of software that make up the Apple Internet Connection Kit:

When you use AICK you will probably never have to look at MacTCP or MacPPP since the AICK Dialer takes care of all that for you.

Apple Internet Connection Kit Dialer


When the "Apple Internet Dialer" runs for the first time the above window will appear.

(The window may appear smaller, you can expand and contract the window at any time by clicking the little triangle next to .)

Go to the "Provider" menu and choose "Define Provider  Information". The following window will appear.


Click on .


Fill out this information as follows:

Provider Name


User Name

<<Your user name>>


<<Your password>>

Provider Phone Number

Click here to select a number

E-mail Password

<<Your password>>

Click on .


Fill out this information as follows:

NNTP Host*

SMTP Host**

POP Server***

E-Mail Address

<<Your e-mail address>>

Domain Name

DNS Address

Alternate DNS Address

* Newsgroups only available if you are signed up for our Internet access service

** If we host your website and you DO NOT subscribe to our Internet access service you must put in your local Internet providers SMTP information. If you DO subscribe to our Internet access service you can configure this as

*** If we host your website you can configure this at

Click on .


Click on .


When this window appears make sure you select your modem from . You are then completely set up to get on the Internet. Click on . You will then be connected to the Internet. When you want to hang up you can click on .